Friday, April 9, 2010

Monday, August 20, 2007 - Yes, I’m still a Venezuelan doctor...(preface)

Monday, August 20, 2007
Yes, I’m still a Venezuelan doctor...(preface)
Well, you may or may not recall me writing a nice bit on how I'm a Venezuelan doctor - just about a year ago. I swore up and down that I would never....ever... put myself in to that sort of situation again, but happend anyway. What can I say - I'm not a bad person. Regardless, this year's adventure actually took me to the mother land of Venezuela (where all good Venezuelan doctors practice you know) for the Pan Am Games. The trip was very very very last minute, so don't be too upset that I didn't let you know I was going. I'm pretty happy to be back - drinking water out of the faucet, trying to get the nasty water stain off my feet, eating salad, and loading up on all my favorite dairy products :) I did have a good experience overall though thanks to a really great volleyball team, nice and patient Venezuelans and certain other comiserators :)
As you can imagine, this adventure gave me blog material for weeks, so I'm going to try and break it down in to episodes by topic instead of by incident (though I'm sure there will be incidental accounts as well). Stay tuned - there's TONS to come!

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